Cleaning the goat house doesn’t have to be an onerous chore.
Morning Chores
Every morning I pick out the Goat house. I use a pitch fork to take out any wet bedding and most of the poop. However, those poop pellets are small, and slip thru the tines of the pitch fork. I clean out what I can and add fresh bedding.
Then, every month or so, I need to completely strip all of the bedding out and start anew. That is the only way to get all the little poop pellets out. Today was that day.
Stall Stripping
I use a big flat shovel and then a broom to clean everything out. I get it as clean as I can, but I don’t scrub with chemicals or anything.
You can see that we have rubber mats on top of the wooden floor. This saves the wood floor from absorbing urine and ads some insulation value. It also makes for easy cleanup.
Check out this blog post to see the goat house when the goats first arrived at Titan Ranch.
New Bedding
We start with a bit of Stall Fresh and some absorbent pine pellets. Then add shavings. If it was winter I would use some straw as is is warmer for the goats to cuddle up in on cold nights. Since we are now into winter I just need a light layer of shavings.
Cleaning up outside
In their yard, I use a rake and the shovel to remove as much of the goat poop as I can.
As soon as we get the fences finished they will have more room to roam and it won’t be as much of an issue.
In the above picture, you can see the creep feed area and the buck house we are building.
Our bucks are growing up and will need their own paddock soon. As my friend, Denise, said “We don’t want any HILLBILLY GOATS”.
Finishing the chores
I finish up by dumping the dirty shavings and waste hay in the compost pile. Goat waste makes excellent compost for the gardens or the fields.
Then I cut down some tree branches for the goats to enjoy. Goats are browsers by nature, and the leaves and tender shoots are their favourite food. Since we don’t have trees or bushes in their paddock I collect some for them most mornings.
As you can see from the photo at the top of the blog, the goats love the branches. They get very excited when I pull up with the tractor and dump the branches into their pen.