New Chicks

This was the first chick to hatch. I love its markings

We have 9 newly hatched chicks on the farm. There is nothing cuter than new chicks. Hatching We have an incubator in the dining room. I got to watch several of the new chicks hatch. Look how cute they are These chicks are a barnyard mix. Last year’s rooster was an Orpington, so there is… Continue reading New Chicks

Winter in the Chicken Coop

It is SOOO COLD It has been very cold in Alberta this month. They are predicting the coldest Christmas in 40 years. Christmas Lows will be below -30 degrees Celcius. The Daily High temperatures will still be in the -20’s. Poor Rooster The Chickens are surviving our recent cold spell, but have sustained some damage… Continue reading Winter in the Chicken Coop

Poop Boards

And Other Necessities for Your Chicken Coop When you are building a chicken coop there are some things that you NEED to make your life easier. These are some “Must Have” Chicken Coop Hacks. We all want to have a clean and healthy chicken coop, without spending all our time cleaning chicken poop. These hacks… Continue reading Poop Boards

Chicks moved into grown up Coop

Chickens at that Awkward Stage

Growing so fast The chicks are a month old now. They are at that awkward stage where they are no longer quite so cute and still need to finish feathering out. They have been growing so fast, and the weather is warm, so we decided to move them into the chicken coop. Besides, they were… Continue reading Chicks moved into grown up Coop

The Chicks Grew AGAIN

They look completely different I can’t believe how much the chicks have changed in two weeks. From tiny fluff balls to birds getting feathers in no time at all. They are already learning to fly While I was cleaning the cage yesterday, one of the birds flew out the top of the brooder. Pete, the… Continue reading The Chicks Grew AGAIN

Baby Chicks are Here!

A light Sussex chick, a few hours old

Got the call At about 2 pm yesterday, I got the call from Peavey Mart to come pick up our chicks. Immediately, I got in the car and was going to head out. Luckily, some common sense kicked in, allowing me to feed the goats and used the bathroom before heading out. I even remembered… Continue reading Baby Chicks are Here!