Getting ready for livestock

I am very eager (some would say impatient) to get things happening to move us towards our farm goals, but you can’t build fences when the ground is frozen solid…. Fences need to wait until spring. What we can do… Plan where things will go eventually. We tried putting stakes out to mark where our… Continue reading Getting ready for livestock

Pallet Compost Box

My first Construction project on the farm… Well I am not sure that you can call it construction. Melissa brought home some free pallets and I strapped them together. We didn’t want to have them permanently fastened, because we will need to take the pallets apart to turn the compost and/or move the pile. The… Continue reading Pallet Compost Box

Casement Windows

Memories can be triggered by the oddest things

Triggered Memories Casement windows are the old fashioned ones that crank open. We have them on our new house. Every time I look at them I am reminded of my childhood visits to my Granny’s home on Cambie Street in Vancouver. Granny’s house had casement windows all across the front of the living and dining… Continue reading Casement Windows