The Horses Arrived

May and Tam in the field

Last Night, at Midnight, the horses finally arrived.

This was the view from my bedroom window this morning. I was so Excited to see them. It was too dark to see much when the horses arrived last night.

Great view to wake up to!

We always wanted horses on our farm

It has been a year and a half since we moved to Titan Ranch. We always knew we wanted horses, but first we had to get fencing up... and a horse shelter… and all the stuff the goats and chickens needed. Then, there was not enough hay to feed horses due to the drought last year…

There always seemed to be a reason why we couldn’t get horses yet.

Then there was the issue about what type of horse to buy. Should we get a young horse and train it? That would be less expensive than a broke horse, but would mean we couldn’t ride it until it was older. I am getting up in years, so I don’t have that many riding years left in me – I want to ride now!

I’m 6 ft tall and my daughter is 6’2″. We need big horses. But we also want a horse to be gentle enough to put my grandkids on…

A relative in need

Things always tend to work out the way they are supposed to. A relative had two beautiful big horses, and was going through some personal issues that made it difficult for her to keep the horses.

She offered them to us. We jumped at the opportunity to take care of her horses. She knows they are in good hands, and we get horses exactly like what we were looking for. Win/win.

Long trip home

The horses were boarded at two different places near Princeton BC. It took about 12 hours from when the first horse was picked up to when they arrived here. It was a long trip, but the horses were great in the trailer. They loaded with no problem, and even got to be unloaded for a stretch break along the way.

Meet Tam

Tam is a 15 year old, registered Canadian gelding. He is perfect – a Tall, Dark, and Handsome Horse. I rode him around the property today and he was very well behaved.

He is very forward and willing.

This is May

May is a 16 year old mare. She looks like a Belgian, but is likely not a purebred. My daughter, Melissa, rode her today as she has some attitude issues and is very out of shape.

She did way better than we expected today, so I will be able to ride her soon. She and I both need to get into shape!

Getting into Shape

We took it easy today. We started with a bit of lunging. Both horses did so well we were able to saddle them up and go for a ride. Being their first day, we walked around the property, with just a bit of trotting.

May was quite lathered up from the workout, but Tam could have gone around again. Soon we will be trotting and cantering and exploring trails in our neighbourhood.

So glad the horses have arrived

They are so beautiful. Our dreams for Titan Ranch are coming to fruition!

By Laurie

Recently retired from driving a desk. Now driving a Tractor and learning to be a farmer.


  1. Your living a beautiful dream. I should come for a visit. I might not leave. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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